Ballard Famiglia


Fun in Chicago

We got to take a quick trip this weekend to Chicago for godson Ezra's baptism. It was wonderful to hang out with the Vinson clan and Wes Pope, and see the sights. The weather was fantastic, the kids had a blast playing, and we had fun catching up with dear friends.
Ezra Brian Vinson, child of God!

A hot day at Wrigley Field, and the Cubbies won!

Giacomo on top of the world (or at least the Hancock Tower)

Ezra, Sadie-Kate, Giacomo and Ruby - great pals!


I love Italians...

and so does my husband. Here's the Italian he's been dreaming about lately...

Island time

You can't go wrong with island time!

On our way to South Finger Island and arriving below...

Walking up the (steep) bluff was a little difficult holding Giacomo, especially for a klutz like me!
Giacomo and Sierra had a grand time

Playing on the beach on Whidbey Island

This is our "Pacific Northwest beach with a toddler" Corona commercial