Ballard Famiglia


Summer fun!

Sunshine is such an upper! We've been having fun enjoying the toasty days!We started summer off with a trip to Chelan with the Turners. Brandon, Ryan, Colin and Giacomo are the ultimate wakeboard spotters!

Giacomo discovered ice cream, and loves it of course. It's such a bummer when we have to finish his cone for him...
Had some Fourth of July fun with Adam and my parents on Whidbey. Bill and Sue Goodman (neighbors from the Auburn days) and their adorable grandkids Ella and Severin joined us for a fantastic day. Giacomo loved the parade and carnival, and HATED the fireworks. Maybe next year he'll see them for the cool things they are. I mean, what's not to like about gunpowder?!

With summer in full force, we are especially enjoying being so close to the beach. We've been enjoying picnics at Golden Gardens, and there's always a drum circle or two to amuse G.


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