Ballard Famiglia


January 2007

January has gone by so quickly! Giacomo got his 2 bottom teeth in the two weeks following Christmas, and his 2 top teeth are coming in right now. He looks really cute when he smiles, but darn if he's going to let us capture that top tooth in a photo!
Some highlights of the month include:
Checking out Comet McNaught from Sunset Park. It was about 20 degrees F outside, but the views of the comet and tail were spectacular...

...doing lots of sitting up (almost by himself)...

...Giacomo learned how to use a sippy cup...

...the snow was beautiful and Jack loved feeling the flakes land on his face...

...Jack can feed himself, too...

...our neighborhood busybody...

Here's a video of Jack being excited about eating. It really seems to be his favorite activity this month (wonder where he gets that from?)

We are amazed at how our kiddo is growing!


Christmas 2006

We had a fun, lazy Christmas Day. Fruncle Matt and Frauntie Betsy brought homemade cinnamon rolls over, which we enjoyed while Giacomo opened his present from them - a bag of glass (SNL skit from the 70's).

Following tradition, Uncle Adam wore our Grandpa's Christmas pants. Hard to tell who is looking more fashionable in this picture...

You can't quite tell from this picture, but Giacomo liked playing with his cousins Rogan, Aubrie, Cadence and Evan on Christmas. He's the only non-blondie of the bunch!

For more Christmas pictures (seriously more), check out:

Happy 2007!