Since 1977...
...Kevin Swan and I have been friends. That would mean we met in 1st grade, for those who don't want to do the math. Giacomo and I got to hang out with Kev and meet his adorable and incredibly sweet family. We're so glad they made some time for us on their trip out from Indiana!
I don't want to say you're my "oldest" friend, because that gets into all sorts of difficulties; but how about of my dearest, or longest loved friends? :)
I'm so glad we got to hang a bit. You haven't changed, which is remarkable. I was wondering if I would have trouble recognizing you (we haven't seen each other for 15 years!), but even a block away, I recognized that smile!
Let's not wait 15 to do it again.
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There's a couple photos of y'all here:
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